Pole Stars
I. Introduction
POLE STARS 2018 – International pole art championship (named further as Competition) is organized by EPDF – European Pole Dance Federation, z.s. (named further as Organizer).
The organizer lists only one category for all nominated competitors, without age limitation. The scoring system is divided into 3 parts - art&choreo, execution and technical level, but the most significant parameter is artistic section.
II. Deadlines & Important Dates
Competition takes place on November 10th, 2018 in Brno, Czech Republic – as a part of festival Life 2018.
All competitors who participated at national/international pole art competitions 2018 and reached 1st-4th places, professional/elite categories can apply to POLE STARS 2018. Fifteen singles/doubles only can enter the competition.
No pre-jury will select the application videos. Only if the applicant sends video from not official pole art championship/competition or if the level of the performance is low those athletes may be refused by organizator. Fee will be paid only if the athlete get the confirmation of his/her attendance.
All competitors will be informed about their acceptance of their attendance in the competiton right after they receive and check the application.
All nominated competitors will be named on the Facebook Event continuously.
Deadline for application: October 28th, 2018
Announcement of all Finalists: October 30th, 2018
Music, Lighting, and Props for final round: October 29th, 2018
III. Contestant Requirements - all athletes must meet the following conditions:
- Must have valid ID document (passport, residents card, ID card, etc.) and health insurance valid through the competition date.
- Must send the application via the application form. On behalf of contestants under 18 years a legal representative or trainer must fill in the application form.
IV. The Competition
- Competition is open to contestants of all nationalities.
- Nomination: The best 2 athletes from affiliated competitions are nomitated in the Competition. In case that the competitior cannot come to compete in Brno, the organizer of affilitated competition will choose another one.
- Valid application form must include application video with awarded choreography.
- Final round will be life and publicly accessible and takes place on November 10th 2018 in Brno, Czech Republic.
- For the final round will be selected 12-15 contestants.
- Finalists will present 3:50 minutes routine (-10″/+ 10″ max).
- Finalists have to use both poles (spinning and static) and demonstrate combinations on both.
- Finalists can execute their last choreography already presented or can present a new one.
- Jury will announce the best 3 performances with the highest number of points and those will be awarded.
V. Dress Code and Performing
- Taking off any clothes when contestant will show any form of not suitable nudity is forbidden, however it is allowed to take off parts of costume such as: coat, mask, jacket, skirt, but then the contestant will remain properly dressed. Men are allowed to be bare-chested.
- Any kind of not suitable nudity (showing breast or intimate body parts) will immediately lead to disqualification of the contestant.
- Topless, underwear such as thong or any erotic lingerie is forbidden.
- Allowed footwear: dancing/sport shoes (ballet, jazz, gymnastic), high heels.
- Gloves and knee or ankle protectors are not allowed unless during the registration Contestants have shown proper documents from doctor with statement that he/she has serious problems.
- Costumes and jewelry that can damage the pole are not permitted.
- No grip products will be allowed on the pole. Competitors may use products such as Dry Hands, Mighty Grip, or Itac on the body only.
VI. Props
- Contestants can use the props that cannot cause injury to anybody and have to inform organizers about using them in advance.
- All props must be approved by Organizers by October 28th,
- Organizers reserve the rights to decide if the props are suitable or not.
- Prohibited props: weapons of any kind, fire, liquids of any kind, glass, sand, sharp implements of any kind (knives, scissors,etc.).
- Props may not leave a residue or mess on stage.
- Props should be able to be removed from stage within 2 minutes of performance competition.
VII. Jury and System of judging
- The performance should demonstrate a high level of creativity. Choreography should include the competitor’s artistic expression through movement. The performance should be engaging, competitors should appear confident along with a high level of stage presence in all aspects of their performance. The choreography should reflect the theme/concept and display a unique style and original performance.
- The maximum score a competitor can be awarded is 100 points total. The final points are determined by the following parameters:
- ART&CHOREO - max 50 points - originality, artistic expression, choreography, interpretation of music
- EXECUTION - max 25 points - lines, transitions, execution of tricks and combinations, direction of performed tricks
- TECHNICAL LEVEL - max 25 points - level of difficulty of tricks, transitions and combinations performed in the routine.
VIII. Staging
- Poles:
- Poles are 45 mm competition X-poles (both polished stainless steel). Height totals 4.0 m
- The right pole (seen from the audience) will be spinning and left will be static.
- The space between the poles will be 3 m.
- Lighting
- Finalists will be asked for lighting specifics.
IX. Music
- Music can be a mixture of different songs and may content lyrics. The lyrics must not contain vulgar expressions.
- Finalists have to provide music no later than October 28th, 2018.
- Finalists have to provide USB with chosen music for their performance at registry (only one music track per USB – two SUBs for two performances if contestant prepared two). USBs must be signed with name and surname.
X. Photo and Film
- The Contestants explicitly agree that all footage and photos can be used by POLE STARS Organizers for promotional, advertising and commercial purposes.
- All photo/video materials remain the property of Organizers of POLE STARS.
- The Contestants have to be available for a photo shoot and possible media interviews before and after the Competition.
The detailed program of the Competition and specified instructions for the Final round of the Competition will be available on Facebook page and website no later than 7 days before the Competition.
Any contact between contestant and Member of Jury is before and/or during the Competition forbidden.
The Organizer reserves right to change rules & regulations of Competition POLE STARS 2018 at any time.